Dear Esteemed Readers,
The main purpose of this blog is to keep in better touch with my family and my husband's family (especially because we have a 6-month-old son we live far away from both sets of his grandparents and all of his cousins), but this record will also function as a journal in part. I have, to this point in my life, been an avid journal writer because I think it's really important to have a
record of what happened, and it's also healthy to write your
thoughts down on paper from time to time. However, my journal entries have become less and less frequent since the little guy, Cal, was born. This record may fill that void. We'll see.
In any case, some of these paragraphs may interest you and the others may not. I will apologize right now for the boring parts and also for ending so many sentences with ...'s, but that is just my writing style, so that is all the apology you'll get out of me. The beautiful thing about writing in a journal is that you make the rules, and my rule is that I write whatever I want. I think in real life, I might be a little hard to get to know at times (I don't like that about myself, but I'm afraid it's true...) That's why journal writing is so beautiful--you don't have to worry about saying the right thing, and if you make a mistake you can just cross it out, or backspace in this case.
About me...(in case you're not one of the afore mentioned family could be someone who happened upon this blog by chance, or maybe one of my posterity reading this fifty years later...) I am first and foremost a wife and mother and Latter-Day Saint. However, I really enjoy playing the cello, and and I teach beginning cello and violin on the side. A lot of my ruminations may turn out to be about these things because they occupy most of my time. I also really enjoy crafty activities, which my husband would summarize as making cards, scrapbooking, and tying ribbons around things, but which also includes sewing, caligraphing, t-shirt designing, cake decorating, making posters and flashcards, and anything really. I'm not that great at any of it, I just enjoy it all.
My husband's name is Jeff. We've been married for 2 1/2 years and I really love him a lot. While our marriage definitely isn't perfect (no one's is...) I must admit that I married an extrememly intelligent man. In addition, he's a songwriting genius. He's also one of the kindest men I know, and one of the most genuine. These are just a few qualities (out of many more) that I had a hint of when we got married, but being married has made me appreciate them and him more and more. He probably wouldn't want me to write any of this, so I have to keep it short.
Cal, our baby, is 6 months old as I wrote before. Cal is short for Callahan Michael. We love having him in our family. Love it, love it, love it! He just gets cuter and cuter as the time goes by. I'll have to leave the rest of the description to pictures and movie clips, as they would do him more justice than I can, and also because I have to sounds like he just woke up.