Friday, April 28, 2006

The Wonders of Callahan

Hey, All Fosters--

Just wanted you to know that Cal had is 6-month checkup on Monday, and he weighs 17 lbs. 9 oz. (50th percentile) and is 26 1/2 inches long (51st percentile). He had four shots, but you'll be happy to know that he took it like a man, sort of...that is to say he did cry a bit, but he calmed down pretty fast and didn't get sick.

His favorite pass-time is looking at stuff and trying to grab it. He's getting really good at it! He's pretty good at sitting up by himself, and now he rides in the front of the grocery cart when he goes grocery shopping with me.

He's also an accomplished roller, but he's also figuring out how to hold his body up on his arms, and how to push off with his legs, so we figure crawling is just around the corner.

He likes being outside, crumpling paper, and wrestling with his dad. He also likes sitting in the sink and looking at himself in the mirror.

We miss all of you and wish you could be here to go through each of his new developments with us, but we will have to wait until this summer for you all to understand just how cute and how much fun he is. Thanks to Mark for the family blogging idea...I'm glad to have such an easy way to post baby pics, but also, Jeff and I have enjoyed reading all the family blogs so far and look forward to more!


Mark said...

Cal is one cute boy. Looks like he's plumping up a bit, which is great.

As my Mom pointed out this weekend, he looks remarkably similar to Grant at this age.


Tankfos said...

To Cal,
I have a deal to strike with Cal. He can be my favorite nephew if I am his favorite uncle. Straight up trade.


Wendi said...

Cal is such a beautiful baby! I love that pic of him sitting in the bathroom sink...he looks comfy! :-)