Saturday, December 01, 2007

Blood Brothers

Time for a new post, eh?

For your viewing pleasure, I'm posting this preview we made for our Foster Family Film Festival held over Thanksgiving break. If you're a Foster, I'm sorry--I know you've already seen this. But I wanted to share it with my other bloggin' family and friends. It's called "Blood Brothers." Enjoy.


Emily said...

Okay, I'm totally crying!!! That was hilarious! Looks like it promises to be an outstanding performance from Phillipé and a star-studded cast. Can't wait for the premiere.

dwrichy2 said...

I can't wait to see the actual film! 'Sounds like a timeless classic. Watch out, Antonio Banderas! Philippe Rodriguez is bringing up the rear!

BensonFam said...

That was hilarious!! Props to Phillipe!!

Tom said...

That was great. I think it is better than most Hollywood trailers. I'm eagerly awaiting your next film too.

Danalin said...

Pretty much the best video ever made! Max LOVES to watch it over and over again. We also showed it to Sariah the other night and she got a kick out of it too. Such a great job! :)

Adam Jensen said...

Ok, that was SO funny. You guys crack me up.... I hope you guys can come to Greeley! that would be so fun :) miss you! Rach

Mary said...

Is there a Phillipe Rodriguez Fan Club? So darn cute!

dwrichy said...

I have watched this again and again and again! It's so well done!

April said...

I really love it! I can't get enough! It makes me laugh everytime I watch it.

Peck Family said...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! that is so funny! o so cute!

Carmy said...

that was funny!

F Montierth said...

Kent and I died of laughter when we say it. We have our own blog too now at
Thanks for the Christmas Card.