Sunday, January 27, 2008

Belly Laugh

This video is awesome. It's of our sweet little Monica last week, when she started laughing. Since then she smiles and laughs a lot more. She also is holding her head up like a pro.


Kristen said...

That was sooo cute. We got a few belly laughs our selves:)

Jodi said...

awww! I watched this with Kristen on my lap. She thought it was quite entertaining! Aren't those first laughs one of the most beautiful sounds ever??

Shelly and Ken said...

Sooo cute! I love little baby's laugh. It is so contagious.

Stacy said...

Very cute!! I love giggles!

Melanie said...

Angie! Such a cute little family! I must say, I think your son's laugh is equally as cute as your baby girl's! I'm so happy to see you guys are getting along so well. Hope to keep up on the Foster's goings-on this way! Tell Jeff hello from us! (You can find a a little of our family at

The Trippy Stevensons said...

That was wonderful! She is so beautiful! I can't beleive how much she looks like her brother!

Adam Jensen said...

so cute :) at first I thought wow she sounds just like Cal and then I thought oh it is Cal :) miss you

Wendi said...

That video was the sweetest thing ever...such a cute little pixie girl you have!

Wendi said...

That video was the sweetest thing ever...such a cute little pixie girl you have!