Hey Everyone. I promised you some video/pics of Cal a while ago, and thanks (again) to my fabulous sister-in-law Wendi, I have some really cute pictures of the kiddos to share with you. Here are a few of Cal that I love, and while you're looking at them, let me just tell you a bit about my favorite little boy.
Cal is 3 1/2. His favorite pastime is finding little "treasures" around the house, which could be anything from pennies to pieces of ribbon, little beads, google eyes, jingle bells, rocks, etc. and sticking them into little containers like plastic eggs. He still loves playing with sticks he finds outside, which double as swords, spears, bows, etc. In fact, he refuses to wear pants or shorts with no belt loops because there'll be no place to put his stick. He LOVES the movies that he loves, and if he were to tell you his list of favorite movies, you might think it was kind of long...for a three-year-old: Tarzan, Mulan, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, The Dark Crystal, David and Goliath, Peter Pan, Robin Hood, and James and the Giant Peach are some of them, and yes, he's a movie quoter. I didn't know it was a genetic trait, but turns out he got it from my family. Besides this, he really has good ideas and loves making things. He'll often be heard to say, "Oh, I have a brilliant idea..." or "I'm just trying to figure this out..." He's very observant and I'm constantly amazed at things he notices (like when two words rhyme) and recognizes (like where we are when we're driving, which I'm sure I wouldn't have paid attention to when I was that age). As with any 3 1/2- year old, we have our moments of course, but overall he has a sweet disposition and is a great big brother to Monica. He's a sensitive little guy and hates being in trouble. A lot of the time when I have to discipline him he says, "Mom, you need to talk happier!" Anyway, I'm really enjoying being his mom and getting to know him as his own person. This evening I left him in the nursery during an enrichment activity, and when I picked him up I could have sworn he'd grown up just a little more. I know I'm just imagining but I can't believe how fast it's going.
I'll write about Monica tomorrow. Gotta go to bed.
Oh, this is such a sweet post! I love the treasure hunting around the house and refusal to go without belt loops. These pics are adorable, too.
Love you, Cal!
We love Cal!!! He is so handsome and such a smartie. I am glad Kyler stills gets to be pals with him!
He's so cute, Ang. I'm waiting for a belly shot! how are you feeling?
What darling pics of the kids. I'm so glad you posted these. You're such a good mommy!
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