Monday, October 19, 2009

Food Storage Analyzer

Dear Fellow Food Storage Nuts,

Emergency Essentials has recently come up with a Food Storage Analyzer web page especially for those of us who wonder, "Exactly how much food storage IS six months worth?" or "How long would the food in my basement last if there were an emergency?" It's fairly easy to use because it breaks the food you have/need into categories and calculates its nutritional value for the amount of peeps in your family and how long it would last. I especially like how you can record what you already have as well as what you still need to get and its price, which makes it easy to create your food storage plan. While the program is obviously geared towards your purchasing from their company, it also incorporates purchases you'll make from the grocery store for those of us who like to shop sales. It's very personalized. Anyway, it's great. Check it out by clicking on the button below:

Gift Card Giveaway

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