Thursday, February 11, 2010

Serve, Serve, Serve!

I was listening to Mosiah Chapter 2 today on my ipod while I was doing dishes and it gave me a nice chance to think about how critical the commandment to serve is!... I was thinking about how service is truly more for the benefit of the servant than the person being served. I certainly don't act on all the promptings to serve that I should, but I've been so grateful for the joy that comes from the times that I have acted on those promptings.

Then I saw this video this evening and thought I'd post it since it's so easy and I've had zero desire to post anything lately. Anyway, I hope this gives you something to think about. I for one am definitely guilty of getting "caught up in the thick of thin things" and putting things off.

For example, there was a really nice single mom of four that lived across the street and I'd had several great conversations with her. We both like to scrapbook, so I kept meaning to befriend her and get together to scrapbook, or just get to know her better and see if I could help with anything. And tragically, I don't think she lives there anymore! Lately I've seen several moving trucks in front of that house and a lot of new people and not very much of her family. It really has been a humbling lesson to me NOT to put things off until tomorrow. So if you have anyone in your life that you've been meaning to do something nice for, I encourage you to go and do stop making excuses and do it as soon as possible. You never know who needs a friend or how you're going to influence someone's life for the better. And just like President Monson says, that's the work of the Savior Jesus Christ that you're doing.