Thursday, February 11, 2010

Serve, Serve, Serve!

I was listening to Mosiah Chapter 2 today on my ipod while I was doing dishes and it gave me a nice chance to think about how critical the commandment to serve is!... I was thinking about how service is truly more for the benefit of the servant than the person being served. I certainly don't act on all the promptings to serve that I should, but I've been so grateful for the joy that comes from the times that I have acted on those promptings.

Then I saw this video this evening and thought I'd post it since it's so easy and I've had zero desire to post anything lately. Anyway, I hope this gives you something to think about. I for one am definitely guilty of getting "caught up in the thick of thin things" and putting things off.

For example, there was a really nice single mom of four that lived across the street and I'd had several great conversations with her. We both like to scrapbook, so I kept meaning to befriend her and get together to scrapbook, or just get to know her better and see if I could help with anything. And tragically, I don't think she lives there anymore! Lately I've seen several moving trucks in front of that house and a lot of new people and not very much of her family. It really has been a humbling lesson to me NOT to put things off until tomorrow. So if you have anyone in your life that you've been meaning to do something nice for, I encourage you to go and do stop making excuses and do it as soon as possible. You never know who needs a friend or how you're going to influence someone's life for the better. And just like President Monson says, that's the work of the Savior Jesus Christ that you're doing.


Jennifer Salmon said...

Hey Angie,

Let me know what your e-mail address is and I can send you our blogg address. I hope things are well with your family! We miss you guys -Jenny Salmon

Adam Jensen said...

great post :) I love that video and quote. I love the mormon messages. They are a great spiritual pick me up :)Thanks for serving us so often :)