This afternoon I was upstairs putting Natalie down for her nap when I heard some disconcerting wailing from downstairs. Though not exactly surprised, since this frequently happens when I leave Cal and Monica in a room together, I tried to figure out who's voice it was and what was being said. Monica. Something about the sucker she had gotten from our trip to the bank and had been working on the whole way home. "MY SUCKER IS asoifh ;falshf;aihfjae!" It was very sad and seemingly important to a 2 1/2 year old, whatever it was. I couldn't do anything about it until I went down there since I had a half-asleep baby in my arms... I just figured either Cal had taken the sucker away or she had dropped it in the dirt or something. Finally Nat's bottle was gone. I put her down and hurried downstairs. "What did you say, Monica? WHAT's wrong with your sucker?"
"My sucker is getting smaller!!!"
She was seriously so convinced there was something wrong. I just thought it was pretty funny and cute.
Oh, that's so funny. And so sad at the same time. I can just imagine the panic!
I love it :) she is such a cutie!
She is worlds cutest 2 1/2 year old!
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