Monday, August 27, 2007

Hi, My Name is Callahan

I just wanted to write you all on my mom's blog and tell you that I'm learning how to say new things every day. I love talking, especially saying hi to people. My life's pretty exciting because I'm getting ready to turn two. Mom and Dad keep talking about stuff like using the potty and having a new baby sister come. I sort of know what they're talking about, so I just go along with it.

Here are some of my new-found favorites:

Food: "Ju-Juice" in my car cup
Color: Hmmm...brown, and orange and red and white...I really like all of them, but I get blue and green mixed up, and yellow's kind of tricky, too.
Story: Bob the Builder and A Potty for Me
Movie: Baby Einsteins and Nemo
Song: Hands down, my favorite song is Wheels on the Bus.
Best Friend: I've played with so many cousins and aunts and uncles and friends lately, this is a tough one. I'd still have to say my dad.


Danalin said...

Callahan, you are one cute dude! I am so impressed at everything you are learning to do and say lately. I sure feel lucky to be your aunt! We are all so, so excited to see you in November and to meet your new little sister. Monica is one lucky lady to have such a great big brother. Love you, dude.

Wendi said...

Well hi there, Cal! Great to see you out here on the blogosphere...and that photo of you was so cute that it about made me jump out of my skin. :-D

It's been swell having you and your folks close by so we can spend more time together...I'm glad to be a part of the name repertoire that you're currently practicing. My little Sy is looking forward to meeting you (as soon as he gets here)!

Tankfos said...

Cal you are one funny dude!!!! I love all of the words you can say now. Laura really enjoyed listening to you talk. She loved the way you say "yes". Later dude!!

Mark said...

I really liked hearing how well Cal enunciates his words, such as asking for "juice" in his "orange and purple cup," each syllable sharp and crystal clear . . .

Can't wait to see you all again!

Dad said...

I too want to say hi Cal. We sure love having you in our home for awhile. You make me and Grandma Maggie feel young.....and that is quite a trick.

By the way, my favorite words that you have learned are "Maggie" and "Grandpa."

Those are cute words little dude.


Adam Jensen said...

So cute! Cal is such a handsome fella. Can't wait to see you guys sometime soon. thanks for the update.

Goose said...

Cal, I know that you like playing with your dad. He is a pretty cool guy, but what about Uncle Drew. Tonight on the conference call you recognized my voice and yelled "Uncle Drew." That means you and I are best buds.

Kami Banks said...

It was so fun to see your comment on my blog. I used Heather blogging list to see yours. First of all congrats on the fact you are having a girl. SO FUN! And next Cal is getting so big. I can't believe he is close to two. What a cute boy. How are you liking CO? I hope all is well. Kami

dwrichy said...

Wo, Calster! You are one tech-savvy dude...a true child of the 21st century! Any kid that can post a blog entry and leave uncle Dale a voicemail should probably major in communication systems or something. You're goin' places, bud!

So as to avoid steeling Drew's thunder, I think we should start distinguishing between favorite paternal uncle and favorite maternal uncle. 'Just looking for ways to be a peacemaker, Drew. :P

Emily said...

Yeah, I would be impressed with the big-beautiful-eyes picture if I didn't know that ALL of your pictures look like that. That's ok. They always make me giggle.

Elizabeth said...

Hi Cal!
You are so cute! Everything you say is SO CUTE! See you at Thanksgiving! We love you!