4 jobs I've had
1. Paper route in 6th grade
2. Teaching cello lessons in high school & college
3. Working at Old Navy during the summer after my freshman year of college
4. Teaching string classes full-time for a school district in Peoria, AZ...so fun!
Places I've lived
1. Provo, Utah
2. Orem, Utah (I know...a big move...)
3. Phoenix, AZ
4. Denver, CO
Movies I love (This could be a long list...)
1. Apollo 13
2. Sense & Sensibility
3. Shadowlands
4. The Adventures of Robin Hood (old school)
5. Lord of the Rings
6. X-men
7. Big Fish
8. The Corpse Bride
9. Toy Story
10. The Incredibles
11. Finding Neverland
There are a lot of other movies I like, but I guess those are most of the ones I loooove.
Favorite Foods
1. Ice cream
2. Dessert
3. Oreos
Favorite Music/Bands
Anything beautiful
If I Could Have One Super Power...
The ability to freeze time. Think about how much more you could get done in a day!
4 weird things about me
1. I can fall asleep in almost any position at any time of day, with any kind of background noise.
2. I hate blowing my nose. It's true--ask my husband. I would rather leave it plugged up than blow it.
3. I love flossing my teeth.4. I love doing random crafty things. What can I say? So much joy.
Favorite Shows
Aaaa! Now it comes out... my confession to the world: I have issues with watching TV. I just don't usually like to do it. Maybe that should be in the "weird things about me" category. Sometimes I'm a little tempted by some of the TLC shows, like Super Nanny, and I enjoy a good episode of The Office every once in awhile, but Michael Scott drives me crazy and I usually feel like it wasn't worth the time I just spent watching. That's not to say that TV is always waste of time and that it's better not to watch it...it's just that I'd rather be doing something else. You know, something...crafty.
1. In my postpartum room, recovering from having pushed out a baby.
2. Oh, wait... that's the only place I would rather be right now.
People I'm tagging
1. Megan Foster
2. Emily Ricks
3. Rachel Jenson
4. Laura Knight
(That means if you don't already have a blog and you're reading this on Adam's, you've got to get in on the Foster Family blogging action. Just kidding...no pressure, although we're all very excited to get to know you!)
So fun! You are one talented woman. And I'm sure your lack of desire to watch TV (which is a great thing) is the reason that you have so many more talents than I do. I want to be more creative like you and do a much better job with journaling. I liked your response to "places I'd rather be right now". :) I want that for you too! I can't wait to get that phone call, Ang!!! Holy cow, any day.
Ang, that was fun to get to know you a little better. And I HATE to blow my nose too!!!
That was great. Although I feel bad for you when you have a cold. Then again, you do miss the raw nose thing. Tough call there. I must confess that I love the Office a little too much. Michael makes me uncomfortable, and yet I always come back for more.
Thanks Angie, loved learning all about you. Sounds like you are pretty crafty. I have no crafts, but maybe you can teach me someday. Good luck with the baby, we will be praying for you.
So....I guess Ice cream, dessert, and oreos are somehow mutually exclusive? That's ok. I guess you can count them as three separate entities as long as you're not eating cookies and cream for dessert.
Well said on the TV watching...I agree even though I fall in line with Kristen on the guilty pleasure of watching The Office.
Oh....and freezing time. How smart! To heck with the invisibility cloak. I need a 36-hour day!
So fun to read about you. We miss you!
Fun to find more out about you. When is your due date? Kami
I keep checking here for pictures of the little new one. While I'm here, though, I wanted to comment on the freezing time thing. Here's the thing...I actually have this power. I don't know how it works. I can't really explain it...don't tell anyone, OK? Like this morning, FREEZE, I just told everyone that they had to start over on their practicing because none of what they had done so far qualified. The problem is that it only works in the day. I'm trying to figure out how to get it to work at night so we can all get plenty of SLEEP!
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