Thursday, February 21, 2008

Indoor Activities

Hey, my sister Ems and I were brainstorming indoor activities for stir-crazy kids during the winter, and I thought I'd post the list I came up with and ask for any additional ideas. If you want to add anything, please PLEASE post it as a comment. We would welcome any ideas. Here's what I have so far:
Structures out of marshmallows and toothpicks
Dry Eraze markers on fridge
Snowball fights w/ sock snow balls
Build a fort
Chase balloons
Jump on Bed
Imagining games (boxes are great for this)
Make different colors in water jars
Go on a scenic drive
Make dirt cups w/ oreos and gummy worms
Mix different kinds of cereal and have kids sort them by size/shape
Make marble run out of T.P. tubes
Look at photo albums
Caterpillars out of egg cartons
Check out "I Spy" books from the library
Paper folding: boats, hats, planes
Play w/ magnets and metal stuff around the house
Movie quote game (think of quotes from their favorite movies and
ask them to tell you what they're from
Make pinwheels out of paper, pencils and thumbtacks


Emily said...

Hey, those I Spy books are AWESOME! The boys totally loved it.
Here are some more I thought of:
Hide and Seek
Making funny faces or staring contests.

Melanie said...

Hey, Angie! We've certainly had to use our share of creativity in the winter. One of my favorites are long baths, because they keep my house clean. And if you make them bubble baths or let them play with shaving cream in the tub (the non-menthalated kind) it seems like it'll last longer! (Melanie and Jonathan Fillmore :) )

The Trippy Stevensons said...

Okay this list was awesome! Some of the ideas I have never even come close to thinking of. You all are much more clever. I think I have only done two listed (play dough and long baths)
My boy loves puzzles. Was that listed. (plus they are cheap as dirt! dollar store)
The only other suggestion I have (its a spin off) that is good for you musical buffs is to play music from favorite movies and asked them what it is from. I of course use itunes to do this but I am sure Angie you could play them on one of your many instruments!

Beckalita said...

Great suggestions! We have a couple of staples at our house. The classic toys are ones that they can play with for an extended period of time and NEVER do everything that can be done with them. That's why your blocks and legos are so great. I would add Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys and Train sets.

My kids like to MAKE the play dough. Cooking anything is good for winter days. I'm also a big fan of the regular DRAW a picture or LOOK at a book. Then, of course, there's the tried and true HELP mom fold the towels (that's harder than it looks) and clean marks off the walls, etc. HOW FUN!!