Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Six Months Old!!

Today little Monica turned six months old, so to celebrate I thought I'd post a video of her cuteness. Enjoy. We sure love our little girly.


Emily said...

Oh that makes me miss you guys so much! I can't believe I've missed so much of Monica's growing up already. That was so cute! The picture of her sleeping with her mouth open made me laugh out loud. Where did you get that clever music?

Susan said...

Little Monica is so cute! She has the most animated little face - big eyes and a darling smile! Cute video!

Danalin said...

You're right...it totally made my day! Man, she is so cute, Ang. I am getting more and more excited for you guys to come and stay with us! Only 2 1/2 weeks. I've got some fun planned so get ready! It will be great to have Monica (and Cal's) cuteness in our home. Love this video!

Jeff said...

She looks so much like her brother. She is a great baby.

Carmenita! said...
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Carmenita! said...

She is SO cute!

Kristen said...

That was so cute. I love when you guys do videos they are sooo good!! She is one very cute little girl.

Mark said...

Monica is one of the sweetest and cutest babies I've ever met. You just want to pick her up and cuddle her.

BensonFam said...

What a beautiful little girlie! I love that open mouthed look they get on their faces when they see a camera and I LOVE hearing cute little Cal giggling in the background. Good to see a post again! I hope you guys are doing great!

Adam Jensen said...

Can't believe she's six months already! What a cute video, i loved it. She looks like a brown eyed version of Cal :) what a sweetie

Wade, Jenny, and Girls said...

Oh my goodness. She looks just like Cal! She's a doll Ang. Can't wait to see you guys again.

cynthia said...

That was absolutely adorable! Happy 6 months!

McConkies said...

So fun to check out your blog. You are so talented at making those movies. What a fun and useful hobby. We are in CO right now as well...and perhaps staying permanently. I'll let you know what happens and maybe we can get together. Your kids are precious.

Amy said...

Monica is adorable! And so is Cal! We loved when you guys came to visit. keep on posting! We love your videos and pics!

haifeianddirk said...

Greetings from Faye, Dirk and Xinlan...
Monica is SO ADORABLE and yes she looks just like Cal!
Congratulations on Jeff's graduation too...
We met with the Johnson's yesterday who were on their trip touring/visitng Steve's families out in the MS.
I got here from a link on Erica's blog while I was checking out the latest cute videos of Reed... :-)
Faye Tanner

Beckalita said...

Chamane loved the video. She started dancing to the music immediately, said "baby" at every new picture and clapped when it was over. She's lucky to have such a cute cousin!

w said...

Cute ... very cute!