Thursday, November 13, 2008

Monica Walking!


And here's the evidence.


Amy said...

Go, Monica, go!! (And Cal, of course ;) ) Such a great day! Your whole family is adorable. Can't wait to visit in January! Getting closer every day, and I'm getting more and more excited.

Mark said...

Button down the hatches!

You've already heard this a hundred times, but you have the cutest little girl in the world . . .

Beth said...

Oh my goodness!! I cannot believe she is WALKING!!! Crazy how time flies! And, congrats on getting back playing! That is so fun for you!

Adam Jensen said...

Oh! What a big girl!!!! she is a doll

Carmy said...

She is getting SO big!

Adam Jensen said...

where have you been Ang? I miss ya! We need to get together or I need to call at least!

dwrichy said...

Congrats to you and Monica!