Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Couple Nostalgic Videos

I happened upon these videos yesterday on youtube when I was doing some research for a puppet skit for our ward activity. Hope they make you feel like a kid again.


Emily said...

Wow. I didn't realize how zaney, random, and completely 70's that 12 segment is, even though I sing the song quite often. And what's up with the random haunted house sequence in there? That was definitely a stroll down memory lane. Thanks, Nange.

dwrichy said...

Wow from me, too. Do you know the feeling you get when you have been singing a certain song a certain way for years and years, and then you find out that you're singing it wrong? Yeah. That's what happened to me when I watched the 12 segment. While listening to the music, I realized that my memories of those chords and melodies weren't accurate. Now that I understand the music a little better, it makes it even cooler. I like how complex it is. Maybe we should ask what Murray Boren thinks. He'd probably say something like, "It's fine, if you like zany 70s music." For those of you who don't know Murray Boren or don't care for the musicalolalogical jokes, just humor me with a courtesy laugh.

dwrichy said...

Now I know why I was so confused! The meter of this clip is in itself a methematical puzzle/construction. Try figuring out the time signature. As near as I can make out, there is an A section with this metric scheme:

4 3 4 3
4 4 3
4 3 4 3
4 4 3 4
4 4 3 2 4

Then there's a B section that's in quadruple meter and a brick wall ending. Then the A section repeats. Call me nerdy, but I had to do a more detailed analysis. See if you can make my rhythmic scheme match the music.

Beckalita said...

Okay, so I could be wrong about this, but from my memory, that 12 segment was a bunch of different ones spliced together. I'm positive it wasn't that long originally, and I don't think it was so random. My kids think I'm REALLY old now.

Beckalita said...

It does our hearts good to know that our crayons are made with such love and care by nice grandpas and grandmas.

Danalin said...

I have a new appreciation for my crayons...those people making the orange crayons look like they sacrificed their whole retirement to bring orange crayons to the world. Bless them. I'll never take my crayolas for granted again.

I agree that the 12 song must have been spliced together; it would have confused me if they would have sung it like that with the numbers going up and down and all over the place without any rhyme or reason.

Very nice stroll down memory lane. Thanks, Ang!

Mark said...

No wonder I've never learned to count to 13 or beyond! But those first 12 numbers are emblazoned on my psyche forever.

Quite a psychadelic trip down memory lane . . . I remember that I used to want this particular pinball machine so bad.

Thanks for the memories!

Emily said...

I don't know, Dale. I'm definitely feeling more of a 3 3 2. As far as the whole 4 3 4 3 scenario, I'm not feeling the love, baby.

Wendi said...

Wow -- now that was a blast from the past. The distant past, at that. I remember the "12" segment well (thank you, Sesame Street), and the crayon flick was familiar too. Too bad all the jobs got outsourced to China, though. ;-)

Thanks for posting those, Angie -- pretty freaky!