Tuesday, May 01, 2007

We're Thinking in Pink!!

Just wanted you to know that although it's too early to tell for sure, we got a sneak peek today and it's looking pretty girly in there!
You can't actually see the area in question in these pics, but we got a good angle at the appointment. These ultrasound shots are (in the top picture) of her head, looking at us, with her little body bending around to the right, and (in the bottom) a side view of her tummy with her little knee bent up. Anyway, whether you can make sense of them or not, the point is that Cal and I got to see her today and she's doing great...AND she is probably a she!


Mark said...

Alright! It looks like you may be ending the streak of Foster male babies!

But also, at 15 wks, a standard office ultrasound can't determine gender with much certainty . . . so I wouldn't buy anything pink just yet.

Goose said...

Ok, a little Drewina to run around. I like the sound of that.

Dad said...

We are so excited that we may have another girl in the Fam. Enough of the boys already!!

While I wouldn't bet the farm on this due to our previous track record in this family, I will keep my fingers crossed.

Way to go you two....we knew you could do it!!


Danalin said...

YEAH! That's so exciting! Now we'll have to work on a girl cousin for her. (No, this is in no way any kind of an announcement...I'm just thinking down the road :) )

Can you believe Cal is going to be a big brother?! He'll be great! We're very excited for you guys.

Wendi said...

Woo-hoo! I know it's too early to say for sure, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. This would bring the trend down to 5 boys for every girl (instead of the previously believed 6 to 1 ratio). In any case, you ought to be able to see for sure within a month or so. Good luck!

The Trippy Stevensons said...

Aren't ultrasounds fun. I love how we as the mom love them and find them to be so cute but then for everyone else it is just gray mass. Who cares....hurray for the picture! I love them. Can't wait to see more!