Thursday, June 14, 2007

Our Growing Family

Hey, everyone. I thought I'd share some photos from our most recent family picture session. They were taken at the end of March, but we haven't ordered any prints yet, and we wanted you to see them. These were taken by Heather Peck, who's a good friend in our ward:

Also, for the sake or posting something official, although most of you already know, we ARE having a girl for sure. Our plan is to name her Monica Jayne. Monica is after my childhood cello teacher.


Peck Family said...

Angie you are so cute! I am so excited for you. I love how it sounds so timeless. Girls are so much fun!

Danalin said...

I love it! LOVE the pictures, the name for the babe-to-be and the cute profile of the momma! You look fabulous, Ang. Aaaagh - less than a week 'til we get to see you!!! Hooray!

Mark said...

I like the name Monica Jane, but I think you need to spice it up a bit, like Monnykka Jayne.

Nice pics!

Megan said...

You have the most beautiful child! Cal is so cute, i could just eat him up! And i love the name do you mind if i call her Jane or maybe Mona I'll think of something. Hope all is well!

Susan said...

Hooray for baby Monica! Such a cute name!

Kristen said...

Love the pics, you guys are a good lookin fam. You and Monica lood great! Can't wait to see you in a few days:)

Wendi said...

Angie -- the photos of you, Jeff and of course Cal are lovely. Cal is adorable as always -- I can only imagine how beautiful his little sister will be! The world may not be ready for such insanely cute siblings! ;-)

And by the way, you look great -- I love your cute little baby bump. Seems like ages since mine was so tiny, but then I guess already know what I'm going through. I can't wait to spend some time once you and Jeff get settled in town!

Elizabeth said...

Angie, that family picture is a keeper. Such a photogenic group. :)

Dad said...

You guys take the best pictures. I love the shot of the three of you. Can't wait for Monica to make an appearance. We are very excited to have you two with us for the next few months.


Beckalita said...

All I can say is that pink ROCKS!! It is so fun. (Not that I would complain about blue -- or green or yellow). You guys are the best!