Monday, August 11, 2008

Family Portrait

These are some recently-taken photos of our little family.
Many thanks to Wendi, my extremely talented sister-in-law, who took the photos.


Liora said...

What a cute family you guys have!!!

April said...

I love them Angie! I like the one where you are looking at Jeff, the lighting is just soo cool and your smile is so cute!

Emily said...

Those are so cute! I'm jealous. Next time we are DEFINITELY doing them outside. I'm kicking myself for making the wrong choice. Grrr.
Your family is so adorable.

Corri said...

Angie! Hey, I am just finding everyone in the ward's blogs. I love your family pcitures. They are adorable.

Goose said...

Love it Angie. What a fam, what a fam.

Adam Jensen said...

what a cute family!!!

Ashlee said...

What a cute family! You don't know me but I knew Jeff in college and found your blog through Reid and April's. Please tell Jeff hello for me.