Monday, August 11, 2008

The Continuing Skunk Saga


BensonFam said...

Oh my goodness that is nuts!! What does Cal think of that? I hope that animal control can get rid of him for you (without stinking up your whole backyard - I have been sprayed before and it is sooooo not fun!!)

Mark said...

Did you get rid of Mr. Stinky Unwanted Guested yet?

Somebody should invent an airtight, skunk proof animal trap . . .

Goose said...

I don't see what the problem is, I love skunks. I wish we has one living in our house.

Adam Jensen said...

oh my heck!! you have a skunk!!! too bad they stink cause they are so cute.... have you seen the curious george episode about george getting skunked? ;) hey we will finally be in denver this week so I will be calling you!

dwrichy said...


Jennifer Salmon said...

Hi Angie! What a cute family pic you guys have! Your little girl is so cute! I hope you don't mind that I am putting your blog address on mine! We hope you guys are doing well, we love you!

Beckalita said...

Can you blame him? Who wouldn't want to live with you guys? Unfortunately for him, he chose poorly.