Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Hey Everybody--

My sister Mel is visiting for the month, hoping to get into a major orchestra out here. What do you think... do we look alike? I don't see it, but we got some funny looks at church.

Here's another picture of us. We are the two youngest Richards, the "little girls," who grew up together at the tail end of a large family. Anyway, it's really fun having my kid sister here for a visit.


Goose said...

It's funny, I called a few days ago and Melanie answered the phone and it sounded exactly like you Angie. Yes she really looks like you also.

Emily said...

Hey! I forgot we used to call you the "little girls." That's such an adorable picture. I wish I could be there with you guys. Can't wait to see you soon!

Adam Jensen said...

I love sisters!!!!!!! so fun