Monday, October 06, 2008

I Feel So Blessed!!

I feel so happy to have come out here and spent two weeks with my sister Emily, so I just had to make you all understand how fun it's been. At the same time, I miss my husband terribly and I can't wait to be back by his side. You can see how Heavenly Father has put so much love in my life. What bigger or more wonderful blessing can you have than that?

So here's a little about why this trip has been awesome:

Emily just had her third little baby about six weeks ago, so I brought my kids here to spend two weeks helping out with her older two boys, Adam and Peter, and the housework. (I guess I should mention that the reason we’re here when Annelise is 6 weeks old is because she came 5 weeks early and we already had our plane tickets…) It's been so wonderful to be doing someone else's housework and not have to worry about my own at all! It's actually fun doing it for someone else, you know? It feels good to be focusing on someone else's needs instead of my own and it has really strengthened my testimony of how service is more for the benefit of the server than anyone else. That's why we're supposed to do it. It feels great!

Ems and I like a lot of the same things, so we have to take advantage of the opportunity to do those things together whenever we're in the same city. This trip, we've watched a lot of British drama (Middlemarch, Jane Eyre, Cranford…), done a couple of craft projects (making Cal a super- cute Superman cape to match Adam and Peters’), made some yummy food (cafĂ© rio salad and TWO batches of monkey bread, among other things...), and got our haircut together. We even took before and after shots to celebrate the victory over frumpiness. These are included below, for your entertainment.


I think I laugh harder with Emily than any other person. I think that’s my favorite thing about being with her. It’s so fun to be with someone who thinks I’m funny, and who I think is hilarious. Anyway, here's a list of some of our quotable quotes, plus a few more pictures of our cute kids:

Quotable Quotes (Maybe you just had to be there...)
"It says here that exotic dancers make the most money
in the height of their fertility." "Don't we all?"
"Forever isn't even a time frame. It's a length of time."
"Poo." (No response...) "Mommy, I said poo!" "I know Adam..." "Put soap in my mouth!"
"Okay, wait. I don't understand a thing you've
been talking about for the last 10 minutes!"
"My blender is digressing?"

Thanks Emily and Weston for a great visit. Thanks also to the Geoff for letting me come out here for this long and for being such a phenomenally great and kind husband to come home to. I’ve had so much fun here, but I miss you, need you, and can't wait to get you back in my life.


April said...

I am glad you are coming back too!!

It sounds like you have had a great time. And Cal looks like he had fun too. Emily's little girl looks so big for being 5 weeks early! That is great.

From the looks of the video, it looks like he missed you a lot.

Call me when you get back and life is semi-normal. I feel like I haven't seen you guys in forever!

Kristen said...

That was hilarious. I really did laugh out loud. Sounds like it was a lot of fun. I am sure Jeff is anxious to have you back!

Danalin said...

Love this post! And love the new background too. Stylin'. Your before and after pics were awesome, Ang. I love that you got to spend that much time with your sister. Such great memories. Angie, I know I've said it before, but I think you are such a great person. I feel very blessed to have you as a sister-in-law and friend. This post made me very excited to see you in a month and a half. Hope you have a good trip back tomorrow! I'll talk to you soon.

Adam Jensen said...

What a FUN visit! I am glad you had some sister time. Sisters are great. Angie, I love your hair, but I have to say I have never seen you frumpy!!! I love the sad looks on your before pictures... hilarious! I also love the made up desk w/ cornflakes computer screen! funny

Beckalita said...

I am sooo privileged to have such amazing sisters! You are both wonderful mommies! Your kids look like they had tons of fun together and will be friends forever! My only regret is that you don't both live CLOSER!! Or that I wasn't so dang busy to have as much fun as you do! I must confess that I think you two have to work WAY harder to look frumpy than you do to...not. Great quotes, by the way!

The Higgins Family said...

I love sisters!!!! What a fabulous trip! ;)