Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lots 'o' Cousins!

This week I've been in Utah staying with my sister Ellen who just had a baby. This is her 7th little babe, and he's cute as ever. His name is Emmett Odell. Look how buff he is:
But besides being around a newborn, it's been so fun thinking of things to do with her older kids. Actually, I haven't been the one thinking of the ideas. It's more fun going along with the ideas they come up with. For example, the morning after we arrived, Gilbert (her 11-year-old) said, "Hey, I really want to take the little kids to Cabelas and show them the fish tanks there." Huh. We all considered that for awhile, and we figured, why not? We thought we looked pretty funny parading 8 kids past all the burly hunting men since we weren't there to buy anything, but besides that, it was really fun. I had never been in that store before and it was really cool! There was tons of stuff for little kids to look at, and there was even a place to feed the fish. (So I take it back about not buying anything...we spent .25 for fish food!) Here are some pictures:

The three buds.
Did I mention that Cal is totally having the
TIME OF HIS LIFE around all these older kids?


Jodi said...

I can't believe how big your kids have gotten! Monica has so much hair, and it's curly! Adorable! Congrats on #3...Good luck!
When we're in Denver this summer you'll have to show me around if you're up for it! My girls would love your kiddos I'm sure!

Tankfos said...

Gilbert is looking so old. Of all of your nieces and nephews I have met he is the one that I remember. I think it is because no matter what I did I could never beat him at the super hero battle game.

Jeff said...

cute kids

Emily said...

This is so much fun! I'm sad we are missing out. It is so fun to be around those older kids. Not only do they come up with such great ideas, they are so helpful! I love the pic with Gilbert holding Cal's hand.

Adam Jensen said...

Fun trip! Is that Monica in the last pic?! She looks so big! I hardly recognize her!!!

Carmy said...

Hmmmmm! Where was I?? Just kidding, looks like lots of fun, fun, fun.

Jordana said...

Angie that was the funnest week ever!!!!!!!!!! I love you guys!!!!! Your kids are getting so big it is sad but its good.

Jordana said...

That was a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...
