Tuesday, May 30, 2006

New Stages

See this kid? He's so delightfully cute and happy--I feel like the luckiest mom in the world (well, at least one of them...) It's so fun to watch him figure out that he can move himself around. He's been able to roll for awhile, but now he's so fast at it. He can also scoot, he can swivel on his belly, and he can hold his body up off the floor on his hands and knees (for a few seconds anyway). When he puts it all together, I have this feeling that there will be no stopping him. Right now, one of the most interesting things to play with is the handle to the drawer in our TV cabinet. He can pull it out several inches. As I sit and watch him, I get excited about this new beginning of exploration. Of course, I also know it's the end... of life as we know it (for Jeff and me...)

Sunday, May 21, 2006


Check out these cool pics of one hot guy (the guy in the blue...)

Speaking of the Jeffster, he's coming up on some pretty heavy board examinations...just seven more study days lie between him and the first one. Maybe, if you're taking the time to read this, you could keep him in your prayers so he doesn't get too burned out this week. We love you guys and can't wait to see you all this summer!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

On Motherhood

So, the bathtub is filthy again and the laundry is piling up...I don't seem to be able to check things off my "to do" list quite as quickly as I used to. After Cal was born and the post partum period ended, I had to figure out how to put some kind of routine back into my life. It became very obvious that my time is no longer my own--Cal needs it even more than I do. It's tricky trying to balance giving enough attention to him and doing enough around our home to keep it from falling apart. I think I figured out a system that works...for the time being.
It was inspired by the American Academy of Pediatrics' recommendation to make sure your baby has enough "Tummy Time" every day. Though his "Tummy Time" has now evolved into "Rolling Around the Floor Time," we still try to do it each day along with five other "times": Toy Time, Outside Time, Music Time, Story Time, and Silly Time. The idea is that none of these things needs to take very long, but I need to try to do each one every day. On some days, they work well with other things I need to get done. For example, on some days, "Outside Time" consists of going on a walk or going to the park, but going to the grocery store or to do the laundry (since it takes several trips back and forth to the laundry room) also counts. Sometimes "Music Time" finds Cal on my lap at the piano while I play primary songs for him. Other times, he sits or rolls on the floor during my cello lessons (silmultaneously taking care of Floor Time...and Toy Time).
The one exception is Silly Time, which is the most important and the most fun. That consists of trying to make him laugh, by whatever means possible. (Today he fell for the ole' Nozgul voice/peek-a-boo combination.)
The point of this system is to make sure that his needs are being met first, forcing me to prioritize whatever's left. I'm not perfect at it by any means, but it feels better knowing that it's possible to get some things done while still trying to create a stimulating, well-rounded day for him. It's true that your time is no longer your own after you have a baby, but it's not a bad thing. It's a welcome challenge that forces you to be less selfish...about your time, and, well...everything else. As a wise man once said, "Love those babies. In all eternity, they're only babies once!"

Thursday, May 04, 2006

John Mayer and My Marriage

I was listening to John Mayer driving home from orchestra rehearsal the other night. I listened to most of the songs on his first album, but as usual, the other songs were interspersed with multiple listenings of track 8, "Not Myself." I haven't read into what made ole' Johnny Boy write the words he did, but in my own interpretation, this song speaks to me about being married...about one of the most beautiful and profound aspects of a functional and happy marriage, the feeling of being wanted and needed when you are less than perfect...or when you're being downright dispecable. It makes me think of the many times my own sweet husband has had to wait through my silly fears and insecurities, when it's hard for me to imagine that anyone would want to be married to me. Somehow, miracle of miracles, he must know that "I, in time, will come around; I always do..." I think he is so much more patient "waiting it out while I am someone else" than I am for him. I'm sure grateful for a great husband.

Suppose I said
I am on my best behavior
there are times

I lose my worried mind

Would you want me when I'm not myself?

Wait it out while I am someone else?

Suppose I said

Colors change for no good reason

words will go

From poetry to prose

Would you want me when I'm not myself?

Wait it out while I am someone else?

And I, in time, will come around

I always do for you

Suppose I said

You're my saving grace?

Would you want me when I'm not myself?

Wait it out while I am someone else?

Would you want me when I'm not myself?

Wait it out while I am someone else?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Check 'Em Out!

Last week's adventure was the ordering of my orchestra class t-shirts. What do you think? Nice, eh? They may seem kind of simple, but they needed to be something that the kids could wear in performance (meaning not too fancy...more classy and less cute), and that something that both boys and girls would feel comfortable wearing. These aren't the greatest pics, but the shirts are forest green and the writing is kind of metallic goldish.

I'm sure I'm making a bigger deal out of this than it really is, but I'm kind of proud of them (the shirts) because it's the first time I've ever tried to order t-shirts, but I wanted to do it because it felt like a good way to help the kids be more proud of the work they do in rehearsal and as a class, a team. I think it's great for the kids to feel like that "thing" they do after school once a week a cool thing to be a part of.