Sunday, May 21, 2006


Check out these cool pics of one hot guy (the guy in the blue...)

Speaking of the Jeffster, he's coming up on some pretty heavy board examinations...just seven more study days lie between him and the first one. Maybe, if you're taking the time to read this, you could keep him in your prayers so he doesn't get too burned out this week. We love you guys and can't wait to see you all this summer!


Mark said...

That's my boy. Look at the quality of the moves and the effortless jump shot that comes so easy. Of course when you shoot as much as Jeff, it is natural that it would come easy. I only wish a few more would drop for him.

great pics, Angie.

I will definitely keep Jeffer in my prayers as he approaches this milestone. With the support he gets from you and his efforts he will do great. He has always been a great test taker.


Tankfos said...

Nice pictures from Ang. Caught Jeff in mid jumpshot. Although you probably had quite a few tries at it because he probably took 30 jumpshots. Jeff is going to do great on the boards.


Wendi said...

Nice photo work, Angie -- keep 'em coming!

Good luck and Godspeed to Jeff with the exams...keep us posted!

Mark said...

Geoff can do three things well: write music, take tests, and shoot the fifteen-foot jumper.

He will ace the boards, no doubt. And this is coming from a man who's been there. The most important thing at this late stage is to stay loose and well-rested, because those tests are all about endurance and focus as much a raw knowledge.

Best of luck!

Tyler said...

Good luck on the boards!

Get some new shorts, you've had those things for like 8 years!