This picture says it all!
Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a "primatologist." For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a scientist of monkeys and apes. My heroes were Jane Goodall and Dian Fossey, and I would have given anything to go to an African jungle and study the chimps there for a summer. I would have settled for working at the zoo. Actually, if one little monkey could just have lived at my house, I would have been in heaven.
My dad always used to tease me about that because he knew the truth: the reason I liked monkeys is because they are the most closely related mammals to humans. Monkeys are like little kids. He would say, "You know, you just want to be a mommy." I denied it. I was sure I was going to work for National Geographic some day.
Now when I come home to visit my parents he looks at me with my kiddos and says, "Are you sure you still want a monkey?" Of course he was right all along. Cal and Monica are not only way cuter than any pet monkeys I could have had, I'm sure they learn so much faster and trust me so much more. And they smell a lot better. And somehow they don't seem to mind being with me all day.
This is significant for me right now because up to this point in Jeff's medical education we've been fairly surrounded by "medical school families" who were in the same boat as us. Now, as we enter Residency, we'll be spending more social time with the other residents and their spouses and significant others. I've gotta tell you, it's a little intimidating. They're all exceedingly sharp people, and they've all done really cool things with their lives, and most of them are part of a DINK couple (Dual Income, No Kids). But undaunted I will go on. After all, I think I'm a pretty sharp person, and I've done something REALLY cool with my life. No only do I love what I do but in a way (though I don't exactly work for National Geographic), I'm doing what I drempt of all along.
What a nice reflective post! Good luck in starting residency and I'm sure you will do a great job holding your own with all the other smart couples - you are right... you are definitely doing something REALLY cool with your life - it's great to be a mom!
You're as cool and sharp as icecycle??? I don't think you need to be intimidated by the DINKs. If you study up on Susanna Wesley, you'll get an idea of how important what you're doing really is. Besides, they don't know what they're missing. It's impossible to describe to someone who has nothing to relate it to. I only wish you weren't suffering so. (wink)
Thanks Angie--I needed this. There are times when I feel so uncertain in my (relatively) new life as a mom. It helps to hear a friend show how much she likes it.
This is such a sweet post! I love how you captured this sentiment with both the picture and your words. And it's true that not many people can claim that they are doing what they've always dreamt of doing. Go Nange!
Angie, I love the new blog. It looks great. I really love the black bow on the side, it is such a cute addition. As for your post, you are right on. You are super talented and could be doing a million other things, but you have chosen the most important of them all. You are where you will make the biggest difference in the world. I say that because my own mom made the same choice and it made a world of difference in my life. I am also married to an extremely talented women who has made the same choice. I am so grateful to you women who chose to make a real and wonderful difference in the world. I'm not saying that women who chose to work are not making a difference, but what I am saying is that being a mom is way more important than a primatologist.
What a great picture. Your kids are so much cuter and smarter than monkies!! You are a terrific mom and I enjoy watching you and Jeff as parents so much. You are raising two great kids and doing it under difficult circustances with Jeff's work schedule and all. Keep it up. We love you guys so much and admire you more than you know.
I loved you CS Lewis article. That guy got it right more than he got it wrong, didn't he.
Angie! Your Family is SO ADORABLE! I miss you guys! Hope all is well! (Looks like it is!)
I love this post. It is definitely one of your best. Just remember, "I Am A Mother," when you're with all the other couples. That book has inspired me so much, and now your post has done the same thing. Thank you! Way to be :)
What a sweet post! It was SO GREAT to see you the other day. Thanks for watching my monkey :) DINK, that's funny, I'd never heard that. I was nervous about our other residents being so different from us but you will see your differences don't really matter and you will be great friends. There is one resident that when she introduces me she always makes a big deal that I am a stay at home mom of 2 kids. It's nice to know that someone as educated as she is sees my choices as important and valuable :)
see you soon!
This is why I like you so much. ;)
Thanks for the "mommy uplift"!
What a cute post! Your comparisons between monkeys and kids made me giggle and it's always so wonderful to have a moment of reflection and remind myself that being a mom is truly wonderful and worthwhile. Thanks!
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