Thursday, July 10, 2008

Movin' Right Along

For those who love a little thrill in their movie-watching, please view the video below. You'll see what I mean.

For those of you who prefer a more warm-fuzzy sort of film, this video is for you. You see? We've got something for everyone at our house.


A. L. Martin said...

Cal and Monica are SO Cute!!!


Adam Jensen said...

so fun! Can't believe I missed seeing Cal the other day... he was sleepy. Your kids are growing so fast!!!

BensonFam said...

Oh I just love her curly little head!

Beckalita said...

Maybe you can teach her to roll over and scoot on her bum. By the way, that's what our Winnie the Pooh video jacket looks like. Are you sure that's not ours? JK