Sunday, July 05, 2009

Natalie Raye

Hey, blokies! Here are some cool ultrasounds of our baby #3.
The 2nd picture is a little harder to make out,
but it's her little face with her eyes open.
Hi, Natalie! We already love you!
(Belly pictures coming soon.)
(Sheesh, am I really going to have three kids??)


Adam Jensen said...

So sweet! She looks tons like Monica! :) When I saw her name in the post I thought you had already had her, I thought wait a minute!? hope to see you soon

Emily said...

Oh, I'm so glad you posted these. Seriously, that 3-D ultrasound thing is so cool, and that they just did it for you on the fly like that. Awesome. It's so fun to already see her little face!

Susan said...

Hooray for 3D ultrasound pics! Now bring on the belly pics! :) Love the name btw. :)

Wade, Jenny, and Girls said...

Is it too soon for me to say she looks like your other two? :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! You've already given her a name? That's a lovely name!

cynthia said...

How beautiful! We can't wait to meet her!