Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our Trip to the Dunes

Here are some pictures from the Sand Dunes. We had a lot of fun even though it was HOT! (the sand, that is...) We were all in sandals in the blazing hot sand, so we didn't wind up staying as long as we were planning. Jeff hiked up one of them while the kids and I just watched and dug for treasure. Cal really liked playing in the creek. Monica, however, was pretty disgusted with the whole prospect. She spent the whole time on someone's shoulders. But we were so glad we got to go! It's always so amazing to visit a wonder of nature that is truly spectacular. It just makes me think of how many interesting and beautiful places there are on our planet. We look forward to taking our kids back and maybe camping
there... maybe when they're a little bit older and we're a little more prepared with our footware.

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